CL Educate recovers from Covid Blues

Shares of CL Educate have done well since August 20. CL’s share price was Rs 38 at the end of July. The price rose to Rs 46.5, and is now around Rs 70. This is a smart recovery after the fall CL’s shares had suffered in March due to Covid…

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China’s lifescience sector receives more VC/PE investment in Aug’20 compared to the USA

Aug’20 saw China’s lifescience sector receive more VC/PE investment than the USA for the second time ever in terms of monthly recorded amounts, with the first instance being in Apr’20. For Aug’20, China reported USD 2024m of venture capital investments, as compared to USD 1531m recorded by the USA. China…

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July was a landmark month for Chinese Biotech

China’s biotech sector continues to blossom as far as fund raising goes. For 4 months in a row, the sector is witnessing increasing amounts of fund raise. While private deals (VC/PE) led the increase in April and May, in June and July, it is public market fund raising that drove…

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SEBI, when can Indian markets see SPACs?

After almost 30 years of moving towards a capitalistic market model, India still has a long way to go. Efficient allocation of capital, risk taking, animal spirits: we don’t truly get this. Banking system is stuck in NPA mess, which the bankruptcy law IBC has not been able to make…

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Can MakeMyTrip (MMT) survive for long now?

MMT’s share price hit an all-time low of around USD10 in Apr’20. While it has recovered to around USD15, it is still much less than its normal trading range. While one can blame the share price fall on Covid, but for MMT, this may not be a passing malady. Things…

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China’s Booming Biotech IPOs

We have earlier commented on the sharply accelerated venture capital activity in the biotech sector in China. From around 2-3 deals a month, aggregating maybe USD100m 2-3 years ago, China is now witnessing close to USD1B of venture capital investments in biotech sector on a  monthly basis. Keeping company is…

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Covid-19 vaccine pipeline expands to 13 at clinical stage

Furious activity is on around the world to come up with a vaccine for the Covid-19 virus. The stakes are high, not just in human life saving imperative, but also likely financial rewards to the company that is first off the block. The active pipeline, as document by the World…

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Should India withdraw from Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank?

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a new multi-lateral lending institution that came about in Jan 2016. AIIB is a Chinese baby. It was proposed by China; it is headquartered in Beijing. A Chinese, Jin Liqun, is the current President of AIIB. Below him, there are 5 vice presidents,…

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The consumer durables market is bubbling with activity

Last weekend there was an interesting news item: A company called Super Plastronics had signed on with French electronic company Thomson to launch its products in India, starting with washing machines. Super Plastronics Pvt Ltd (SPPL) said it would invest Rs 1,000 crore in the next five years to expand…

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Trade as a bargaining chip with China won’t work

After the Galvan incident, where China appears to have encroached into Indian territory, and subsequent confirmed deaths of 20 India soldiers, there are lot of calls in India of reducing imports from China. While as a strategy it may have its merits – you don’t want to depend on imports…