An extremely unfortunate event unfolded on Sunday, when established Bollywood movie star Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide, purportedly from depression. This brought out in stark relief the scourge of mental illness, of which depression is the most common form. That such a successful person, with no monetary problems, can fall…
Read MoreEarlier this week we wrote how on 2 consecutive months, China’s biotech sector had witnessed more than USD1B of venture capital investment. That chart ignored another source of risk capital – IPOs. China has been producing around 1 biotech IPO a month consistently. These are typically pre-revenue R&D companies, but…
Read MoreFor the second month in a row, China’s biotech companies attracted more than USD1B of venture capital investment. Biotech investments crossed USD1B for the first time in April’20. Hence, May is the second consecutive month where VC/PE investments in biotech have crossed USD1B. In terms of amout invested, China inching…
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